Wine review: Menage a Trois Red Wine. This inexpensive red blend can be found on sale for under $10 at your local grocery store. The name is great and will definitely serve to break the ice if introduced with just the right touch of feigned innocence.
Alright, it’s not exactly related to the “grocery” part of this site but we came across a one sentence reference to this incident, became intrigued and did a little research. Here’s the story:
In 1989, a New York wine merchant was asked to sell an extremely rare and sought after wine on consignment. The asking price? $519,750! The wine, a 1787 Chateau Margaux, a bottling which would be in demand by collectors in any circumstance, had additional value due to a set of initials engraved in the glass. Read More
Roederer Estate Brut Champagne is made by the same family that makes Cristal. At $20 is it worthy of the family name?
The La Crema Chardonnay is part of the problem. Here’s the funny thing, if you asked us if we prefer reds or whites we’d say “reds” without hesitation. But as I look at which wines we’re reviewing the white’s section is definitely filling out much more quickly than the reds. Awesome California Chardonnay like La Crema take a good chunk of the blame. With a price just under Read More
The Firefly Ridge wines have become very common at Safeway and Vons stores and frequently occupy prime shelf space. Are they worth a try?
Working hard to promote the blog! Make sure to let your friends know about! The more readers we have the greater chance it can become a full time job and the more likely we are to be able to drink wine all day (oh, and write reviews about it!).
We’ve just been added to the Technorati Directory. You can see our profile at Technorati Profile!
Are the most popular wines at a store likely to be “good”? While doing some research for the blog I ended up spending 40 minutes talking with the guy who runs the wine department at the supermarket (Vons). He walked me through the shelves and pointed out all the wines which he had to restock frequently. So here’s the question are popular wines likely to be good?

It’s Friday and what better way to celebrate than by swinging by the grocery store on your way home and picking up a bottle or five of wine. Listed below are our picks for the week.
- Champagne – Gloria Ferrer (on sale $15.98 at Safeway / Vons until 6/10)
- Chardonnay – Bogle (on sale $8.98 at Safeway / Vons until 6/24)
- Sauvignon Blanc – Dry Creek Vineyard (available at Safeway / Vons)
- Cabernet Sauvignon – BV (on sale $7.76 at Safeway / Vons until 6/10)
- Zinfandel – Edmeades (Costco)
Warning this wine could cause relationship issues! Read on for details, but first a quick tangent: A couple of years ago we were out to dinner with some friends and our waitress recommended a wine to us. Very excited about the wine, the waitress came back seconds after pouring it asking how we liked it. Someone mumbled something about it and the waitress said Read More
Just came across an interesting article in the New York Times regarding some research on wine tasting. Links to the article are below but the basic gist is of the 6,000 blind tastings performed people tended to enjoy less expensive wine more! The following is quoted directly Read More