Category Archives: General

Amy takes the reins: six picks at 40% off

By | Cabernet Sauvignon, Champagne/Sparkling, Chardonnay, General, Pinot Noir, Red, Vons / Safeway | No Comments

Since my dearly beloved husband apparently doesn’t have time to update the Grocery Wine website, I’ve decided it’s time for yours truly to take over the reins. Unlike my husband, I have all the time in the world. What working mom of four doesn’t?! Then again, maybe I just take wine more seriously than he does (refer to “mom of four” above).

This post is for the “coupon mom” in particular. I’m not that mom… because it’s all I can manage to get myself and any number of children who may be accompanying me to the grocery store at all. Once there, I am all but oblivious to the people shopping around me – unless you are slowing me down in which case, BEWARE! I do not have the luxury of time, which is precisely why I appreciate deals that don’t require extra clipping, computing, or searching on my part.

If you haven’t already heard, Vons is currently offering 30% offall wine, with an extra 10% off if you buy six bottles or more. That’s 40% off for those of you who can’t do math (or just have mommy brain like me). Six bottles… that’s not even a weeks worth, so stock up my friends!

I am personally a lover of champagne, so I have a few bubbly favorites to recommend. After all, bedtime for the kiddos is always cause for celebration in our house 😉

My personal picks include:


Gloria Ferrer

Mumm – Blue Label for a sweeter bubbly

Chandon Brut  is perfect for sipping or mimosas

Roederer Estate for something fancy


Cambria Julia’s Vineyard will please just about anyone


Justin Vineyard big, jammy, and oh so smooth (A personal fav!)


La Crema is an easy go-to, smooth, buttery, perfect for a hot day.

DeLoach If you want to try something a little different but equally fantastic the DeLoach is a great value and equally yummy.

With Christmas just around the corner, we could all use a little more $$$ in our pockets so build yourself a wine six pack and let me know what you think of my suggestions.

Until next time…


John’s Blend Cabernet Sauvignon

By | Cabernet Sauvignon, General, Red | No Comments

Two words on this one: wow!  Alright, disclosure time: 1. “wow” is not two words.  2.  This isn’t really a grocery wine (unless your local grocery store is in an extremely well heeled area of Australia).  We managed to obtain a babysitter awhile back and while sniffing around for a new restaurant to try out I came across a reference to a members only club in downtown San Diego.  On a whim, I picked up the phone and asked if I could come in for dinner.  After bouncing around to a few people on the phone the director of member services agreed to leave some guest passes for us with the hostess.  Sweet!  When we arrived, I was surprised to discover a jacket was required.  Huh?  Listen, you might think this makes sense what with the members only thing but this is San Diego.  Dressing up here means Read More

Most Expensive Broken Bottle of Wine or One More Reason To Drink Your Wine As Soon As You Get Home

By | General, Red | No Comments

redwineglassAlright, it’s not exactly related to the “grocery” part of this site but we came across a one sentence reference to this incident, became intrigued and did a little research.  Here’s the story:
In 1989, a New York wine merchant was asked to sell an extremely rare and sought after wine on consignment.  The asking price?  $519,750!  The wine, a 1787 Chateau Margaux, a bottling which would be in demand by collectors in any circumstance, had additional value due to a set of initials engraved in the glass. Read More

Help us help you!

By | General | No Comments

Working hard to promote the blog!  Make sure to let your friends know about!  The more readers we have the greater chance it can become a full time job and the more likely we are to be able to drink wine all day (oh, and write reviews about it!).

We’ve just been added to the Technorati Directory. You can see our profile at Technorati Profile!

Poll: Does Popular = Good?

By | General | No Comments

questionAre the most popular wines at a store likely to be “good”?  While doing some research for the blog I ended up spending 40 minutes talking with the guy who runs the wine department at the supermarket (Vons).  He walked me through the shelves and pointed out all the wines which he had to restock frequently.  So here’s the question are popular wines likely to be good?

Coppola Wines: An offer you can't refuse?

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There is good wine at the supermarket!

By | General | No Comments

Wine row please!

We love wine.  The problem is we work all day, have kids to shuttle around and can barely keep food in the cupboard let alone schedule a visit to the local “wine merchant”.  That means we’re just like you and nine times out of ten we buy our wine at the grocery store where we’re faced with a billion colorful labels, strategically placed displays and not a single knowledgeable salesperson in sight (beside the fact there’s a toddler in the cart desperately trying to knock bottles from the shelves, which by the way is probably the easiest way to find the most expensive wine in the supermarket).

Here’s the theory: among all those bottles there is some great wine, possibly outstanding wine at a great price.  The bad news is there is also a lot of bad wine mixed amongst it.  The trick is finding the needle in the haystack.  Our reviews help you find the hidden gems and avoid the “blech“!